It is a color

It's not entirely green, it's not entirely brown, it's not entirely black. It's just a color that blends to the nature.

Friday, September 26, 2008

My Workplace on a magazine

Nothing really special to blog about this week so I'm just showing some pictures I found on the magazine published by the Chemical Park where our plant is situated here in Knapsack. The aerial shot from the west looks very cool actually. The two 9 cells modules of cooling fans means we're in business. I'm still wondering why our exhaust stacks/chimneys are not painted the same way. I just zoomed into our plant from the cover page of the magazine here. You can see all other plants around our plant which is on the bottom-left corner.
And of course there's a page of article inside with some brief ideas of our plant. I'm not going to translate. ^^


At 2:44 AM, Blogger Evie Redding said...

it looks so big! i'd get lost for sure

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Leo + Boon Hui said...

wow, big plant. issit a combined cycle plant? didn't see any GT stack though. No diverter dampers? what's the total installed capacity?

haha... sorry dude, lotsa questions... just curious.

At 6:15 AM, Blogger Alex said...

800MW CCGT, you're right ^^ no diverter dampers.
It's not really so big...nobody would get lost.


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