It is a color

It's not entirely green, it's not entirely brown, it's not entirely black. It's just a color that blends to the nature.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Flying back to Cologne, May 29th 2008

It was a bitter sweet moment for me to have to say goodbye to my family again. I didn't cry this time, I smiled instead, knowing that I'll be back again soon. This is a collection of pictures taken during my 18 hours journey back to Germany from Malaysia.
While lining up and waiting for my turn to get my boarding pass. I was thinking how much similar the structure of the ceiling/roof is to the one I saw in Hannover, which is made out of wood.
Oh yeah, it's definitely similar!
That's the air traffic control tower. It has slight resemblance to the KL Tower doesn't it?
More proofs that it's similar to the one in Germany ^^
Oh yeah....
The ketchup and chili sauce(yes, seriously!) are free in Malaysia. Normally if you don't get these free sauces, people won't go to your restaurant and dine there. All the fast-food restaurants in Malaysia have accepted this, and this is the one I snapped in Burger King^^
BKK Airport in Bangkok. A lot of glasses and trusses making it looking modern.
And then there's an altar looking monument, plated in gold, sticking out right in the middle surrounded by some fake(or real) bonsai trees. So I went closer and take a peek.
Aha!!! Buddha! And some miscellaneous big-ugly-bird looking creatures all over.
More Buddhas on the roof ^^
That's my bird to Munich.
My gate, I love the number already.
Yeah... they're loading the goodies into the bird so that we could be filled with food and free alcohol. ^^
Jack Daniel's with Coke anyone?
It was daytime throughout my flight, a perfect chance for me to take some cool pictures from the plane.
Apparently, it's Afganistan below. ^^ I am serious! As soon as I knew it was Afganistan, I took more pictures... perhaps I could catch someone highly wanted drinking tea with his goats up in the hill somewhere?
That hill?
This hill?? o.O
>< Too many hills...and they all look alike!
As soon as I got back to Cologne, I was greeted by this. ^^ Sascha is the best in the world.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Cars and Roads in Malaysia

This is a collection of pictures I snapped while I was on the roads at home in May 2008, mostly pictures of buildings and structures, and some cars too.Some people actually think this looks cool -___-;;
I'd rather drive a lunch box than being seen in this car. What was he thinking with the spoiler? 300kmph? Errm... I think the aerodynamics is wrong even from the naked eye
So, we have very good road system, but really confusing ones too. I got lost in my own city, you're SUPPOSED to get lost ^^
Pigeon holes for people.
Supposedly beautiful apartment?
more pigeon holes for people...
Biggest chair in Malaysia, you can sit a Titan there!
The front gate of our national palace. It's a famous tourist spot.
This is one of the most practical car to own in Malaysia. Small, sits 7, 1.3litre engine with the option of 1.5litre. VVTi, and I don't think SRS airbags or ABS or stability controls are standard for the 1.3 version. So if you wanna commit suicide, get the 1.3 version.
Apparently this is the facelifted version. Very little has been done.
My carrrrrr ^^ It's a crappy car but I love it. It's supposed to be a Mitsubishi Colt, but with a different badge.
1.3L, fuel-injection, no variable timing system, no automatic transmission, it's just a great tool to get from point A to point B. No airbags or stability control or ABS as well, so it can kill you easier too. And take a look at that sexy exhaust pipe which is sticking out like a rocket. ^^
Traffic in KL with KL tower in sight.
This is a good road sign with great visibility. I should have taken all others which were blocked by trees and bushes.
KLCC taken from the road from far with zoom.
KLCC taken from under a bridge.
This is how much we pay for Super Grade Benzin/Petrol/Gasoline. RM1.92 per litre, that's US$0.60 or less than Eur0.40 per litre. And just a few days ago the Malaysian Government had announce to increase the fuel price by 40%, which would be RM2.70, or Eur0.54 per litre. It's a lot to bear if you're living in Malaysia now, because that would affect the price increase for everything else.
I'd love driving at home, if there weren't so much traffic.
That's Suria KLCC, the shopping mall adjacent to KLCC.
The 421meters tall KL Tower in view, with some pigeon holes again in the city.
KL Tower in the jungle?
KLCC in the jungle?
From here, the lamp post(with a bird there if you see it) looks very very tall.
I thought this is funny. I'd like to go there one day ^^
This reminds me of somewhere in NYC.
You really don't want to try mounting on this thing. RM6000 isn't a small figure to be fooling around with.
Interesting looking supped-up car. ^^ I heard it's a female driver too.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I saw this pair of Asics Top Seven shoes in Cologne months ago, and I could say that I fell in love with it instantly. But I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the price... 75Euros!!! I mean, it's Asics!!! It should be no more than 40Euros >< I didn't buy it. I went home and did a lil research on the web as I always do as a smart consumer... true enough, it's around 60$US. So I held myself back, and waited until I went home for holiday in Malaysia.
I found the exact same pair for RM199, and I even bargained and had it going down for Rm170, that's 35Euros. Smart consumer I am? ABSOLUTELY! ^^
