It is a color

It's not entirely green, it's not entirely brown, it's not entirely black. It's just a color that blends to the nature.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Guitar Hero-Party-Hangover-Deer Oct24-25, Day 2-3 Oslo

Birthday night was over, went to work early in the morning and worked pretty much the entire Friday, and the night was far from over. First Erik prepared some chicken wins for dinner. It was simple yet effective. And after that we played a bit of Guitar Hero while waiting for the next event. Erik's got a friend having a birthday party that night. Lene wasn't feeling good so she skipped. I didn't bring my camera to the clubs because I didn't want to lose anything. We first went to a very classy and preppy bar, everyone was dressed up and wearing suits, but I must say we didn't look too bad either that night. And then we moved to another opened air's pub, where Erik met some of his friends there(Erik's got a lot of friends!), and finally to the most exclusive club in Oslo, called La Belle Solle( You need to pay 400 Norwegian Kr for cover charge. That's around 23Euros, or RM105... yes, not cheap at all. We came back at 2am, and one of us(not me) and I won't mention who, totally puked in the bathroom :) yes....ewww.

The following morning, they both had like massive hangover. I woke up early as usualy, and just relaxing. We didn't do much the entire day, watching videos and movies. But later in the evening, we went to Lars' house. His house is somewhere in Asker, a bit on the outskirt of Oslo, and very nice and quiet place. The place even reminds me of army camp which I grew up in Kuala Lumpur called Wardieburn camp(oh yeah, War-Die-BURN!) And we met Eskil(2 years old) and Lars' wife. Eskil was obviously under my spotlight because I've always liked kids ^^ He was just playing with his Legos and making louds noises with his wooden tools, and being ABSOLUTELY adorable. And then it was dinner time... Lars grilled deer meat for us, his wife and not too sure who else hunted it together, and it was so yummy! We had possibly the best homecooked dinner in Norway that night, and thanks to Lars and his warm hospitality. He later showed us around his house, which I find really lovely and just the warm feeling, and a lot of childhood memories just kept resurfacing.

This ends the series of pictures taken in Oslo in October 2008. I had a great time there because I was surrounded with really nice and warm hearted people there. Thanks you guys who's made this possible, it was my first birthday celebration in Norway, and by far the best trip there. ^^
Erik's chicken wings. See that glass of wine there? Yeah, later you'll see all those red showing on my face.
Simple and effective meal! Enough energy to get you through the long night.
Lene took a snapshot of me and Giacomo playing Guitar Hero, I suck at this game.
Okay, winning that was just luck.
Because I won, I got to play against the champion, ERIK! He's really good!
That's the hangover morning. Erik's preparing all healthy and yummy breakfast.
Yeah, super healthy. We had to wear gas masks the whole day after that.
Everyone meet Eskil! He's 2 and he's still shy in this picture. We just got there and he had to cope with this asian dude clicking away with his shiny camera....wahahahah.
Eskil loves his Lego.
Another snap shot. Like father like son, they totally share the same expression!
Align Center Dinner time! Oh yeah... I think Lars could be a Grill Master! He did all those by himself *clap clap clap*
With flash this time, showing the juice and how perfect the meat was.
With mushroom gravy, and potato salad... yummmmmm ^_______^
They're all eating already while me busy taking pictures.
Eskil's got the President's chair of course!
"Yay! Job well done daddy" - said Eskil. Okay, he couldn't say that yet, but that's what his face was telling us ^^


At 4:22 AM, Blogger Leo + Boon Hui said...

wow dude, u seems had great time there. the grills sure look yummy...

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Alex said...

Yeah I know :D I wonder if you get fresh deer meat like that in Malaysia. They just hunted it like a couple a days ago ^^

At 4:54 PM, Blogger jasonow said...

All the food look so come you can't grow fat ?? Not fair !!! What is the Guitar Hero thingy? Dun understand lar

At 5:16 AM, Blogger Alex said...

Hahahaha.. I guess I have the metabolism of a rat...I burn fat fast? :p
Anyway, the guitar Hero thing, it's a rhythm game, very similar to Taiko Drummaster, or Dance Dance Revolution, except that you're playing with a controller that looks like a guitar. You have 5 buttons on your left hand(resembles fretboards) and you have a trigger on your right that resembles your picking or strumming action. Pretty fun ^^

At 8:39 PM, Blogger lyn said...

Thanks for the nice comments on my blog! Do you draw? Looks as if food is a major intrest... I guess that is a form of art if you take it seriously!


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