Saya Anak Malaysia
A lot of people here, the Germans, they can't really tell if you're a Chinese, Malay, Indian, Vietnamese, Thai, Philipino.... you get the point, all they know that you're an Asian, just like how we look at them and just say that they are European.
So when I start opening my mouth, they'd ask.... so where are you from? I said I'm from Malaysia. "So are you a Malay?" I said "No, I'm a Chinese" And people usually give me strange look here... "But you just said you're from Malaysia, so you must be Malay" I said "No.... I'm a Chinese of ethnicity, but I'm a Malaysian, that's my nationality" And then they go OoooOOOooooOOOoooohhhhh. And next question " So are you a muslim?" ><
So I had to go about explaining to them about Malaysia being a Islamic country but still people are free to embrace the religions as it is their Rights. And they go like OoooOOOOooOOOooooHhhhHHhh the second time..... and then the following question would probably sound like "So you are an immigrant?" >_____________<
^^ pfft yeah I guess the Malaysian flag says alot, but the LSU logo totally dominates your bag.... wahaha, GEAUX TIGERS! (for everyone else that's read as "Go Tigers!")
...u are the 2nd person i know who would sew a flag on his bag!...
Is there something wrong with sewing a flag patch to the bag? o___O
Proud to be a Malaysian..good !
When I was in overseas, I used to say that I am from Singapore :) No need to explain so much.
Malaysia Boleh !
No comment on the Singapore part... but I'd rather be caught dead than telling people that I'm a Singaporean :Þ
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